
NulaxyLaptopStandforDesk,ErgonomicSittoStandLaptopHolderConvertor,AdjustableHeightfrom1.2to20,Supportsupto22lbs,CompatiblewithAll ...,ChooseatimeandStandwillnotifyyouonceanhourwhileyou'reatyourMacthatit'stimetogetupandstretchyourlegs!WebuiltStandinoursparetime, ...,2015年8月3日—“Stand,”anewappforMac,hasonesimplegoal:togetyoutostandupmoreoften.Everyhour,infact.Advertisement.,StandUpMac版支持黑...

Mac Standing Desk

Nulaxy Laptop Stand for Desk, Ergonomic Sit to Stand Laptop Holder Convertor, Adjustable Height from 1.2 to 20, Supports up to 22lbs, Compatible with All ...

Stand 2 for Mac

Choose a time and Stand will notify you once an hour while you're at your Mac that it's time to get up and stretch your legs! We built Stand in our spare time, ...

Stand Mac App Reminds You to Stay Healthy by Standing

2015年8月3日 — “Stand,” a new app for Mac, has one simple goal: to get you to stand up more often. Every hour, in fact. Advertisement.

Stand Up Mac版

Stand Up Mac版支持黑暗模式,支持设置计时器,延迟通知,所有功能都集中在菜单栏的一个小图标中。它易于使用,对你的生产力和健康有很大的好处。

Stand Up Mac版下载[任务管理]

2022年3月23日 — Stand Up Mac版支持黑暗模式,支持设置计时器,延迟通知,所有功能都集中在菜单栏的一个小图标中。它易于使用,对你的生产力和健康有很大的好处。

StandUp App

macOS App. The desktop app to help you improve sitting habits. A little regular stretch will make your body healthier. Download on the Mac App Store.

StandUp on the Mac App Store

Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about StandUp. Download StandUp for macOS 13.0 or later and enjoy it on your Mac.

在Mac App Store 上的「StandUp」

2023年10月26日 — 閱讀評論、比較客戶評分、查看截圖,並進一步瞭解「StandUp」。下載適用於macOS 13.0(或以上版本)的「StandUp」,並在Mac 上盡享其功能。